Current Projects

Our Current Projects

Integrated Climate and Risk Management Project

The Integrated Climate and Risk Management (ICRM) project is a six-month project implemented by SAT in Masvingo, Rushinga, Kariba and Zvishavane districts (August 2024 to January 2025), with support from the Green Climate Fund through the World Food Programme (WFP). The project has three distinct components as follows – (i) value chain assessment studies culminating in the production of value chain development plans in all 4 project districts, (ii) building the capacity of farmer group enterprises in identified needy areas and facilitating market linkages for these groups in Masvingo and Rushinga districts, and (iii) establishment of a sesame aggregation hub in Rushinga district. The project is initially planned to end on 31st January 2025, but could be extended by a few more months, funds permitting. This project will also build into the three-year sesame project supported by the Japanese Government in Zimbabwe through WFP.

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Integrated Land Use and Environment Management Project

The ILUEMP (February 2021 to October 2025) is a sustainable integrated landscape management of the Gonarezhou National Park and its surrounds in Zimbabwe’s South East Lowveld. The project seeks to improve the livelihoods of communities living in transfrontier conservation areas, and offers incentives for these communities to become active conservation partners. The project also has a solar and carbon credits component, including the design and implementation of a Photovoltaic (Solar) Power Plant for Malilangwe Game Reserve.  The implementation of the Solar Plant will happen in three Phases with Phases 1 and 2 designed to take Malilangwe off the National Grid and produce all the Reserve’s power requirements.  The implementation of this plant will result in a stable, reliable and uninterrupted source of power and a reduction of Malilangwe’s energy and diesel-generator fuel bills. Removing Malilangwe Reserve from Zimbabwe’s national grid (that is heavily reliant on coal powered electricity generation) and replacing it with a clean, green alternative is good for the environment. A portion of Malilangwe’s cost of the Solar Power will go to SAT-WILD, and directed into community livelihood enhancement projects around Malilangwe and Gonarezhou National Park. The plant is to be designed with a 25-year lifespan, with the transfer of ownership to Malilangwe Trust taking place after 15 years in a build, own, operate and transfer type of contract.

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Sesame Phase 2 Project

For the second year running, WFP is supporting the production of sesame by smallholder farmers in Chiredzi and Mwenezi districts, building on previous efforts from the 2023-2024 season. This season, Rushinga district has also been added. A total of 8,000 smallholder sesame growing households (at least 55% of them female-headed) are targeted this season. These farmers will grow sesame over 4,000 hectares of land are expected to produce up to 2,000 MT of sesame for the local and export market. SAT provides training, extension support and market linkages, while SesAfrika (Pvt) Limited will spearhead the aggregation, cleaning and export of the sesame seeds. SAT has already secured guaranteed offtake markets for this sesame in China, India, Japan and Mozambique.

Strengthening Household Resilience and Incomes in Mwenezi through Promotion of Sesame

For the second year running, WFP is supporting the production of sesame by smallholder farmers in Chiredzi and Mwenezi districts, building on previous efforts from the 2023-2024 season. This season, Rushinga district has also been added. A total of 8,000 smallholder sesame growing households (at least 55% of them female-headed) are targeted this season. These farmers will grow sesame over 4,000 hectares of land are expected to produce up to 2,000 MT of sesame for the local and export market. SAT provides training, extension support and market linkages, while SesAfrika (Pvt) Limited will spearhead the aggregation, cleaning and export of the sesame seeds. SAT has already secured guaranteed offtake markets for this sesame in China, India, Japan and Mozambique.

Seeds for the Future Project

With support from the Agency of Italian Cooperation and Support (AICS), and under the leadership of COSPE, SAT has been implementing the Seeds for the Future (SEFF) project in Chiredzi, Masvingo and Mwenezi districts (2022 to 2025). Under this project, SAT has established a paprika processing plant under the PapriAfrika (Pvt) Limited banner, and with additional support from Christian Aid and the Bubye Valley Conservancy (BVC), a sesame value addition centre under the SesAfrika (Pvt) Limited banner at Rutenga’s Industrial Park in Mwenezi district. Both PapriAfrika and SesAfrika have growers’ cooperatives in Mwenezi district as shareholders. The paprika processing plant has to date produced 40 MT of milled paprika for the local market, while 245 MT of sesame seeds were aggregated and cleaned at the sesame value addition centre between May and August 2024. At least 212 MT of the cleaned sesame was exported to Mozambique and Japan.

Youth Vocational Skills Training Center

SAT has established an innovative youth vocational skills training programme focussing on green agricultural technologies and supported by Driptech and One Stop Solar, two private sector partners that will provide technical training to youth and consignment stock tom graduates from the training program so that they can better service their communities. In 2025, the YVSTC will produce its first 40 graduates who will be trained on drip irrigation, solar and sheet metal fabrication, and shall be supported to run their businesses as service providers to communities. The youths, and the farmers that they will serve, will also be linked to the Tejaswini chillies value chain through Shumbatafara (Pvt) Limited, and shall produce chillies for an export market.

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