
General news and articles in relation to SAT activities

Breaking New Ground at Lapache Irrigation Scheme in Mwenezi

A new dawn has arisen at Lapache, an irrigation scheme established by Government in 2002 to support 86 smallholder farmers (37% female) in ward 16 of Mwenezi district. In the last two decades, Lapache has seen limited economic activities. However, this all changed in June 2022 when several firsts were recorded courtesy of the Seeds for Future (SEFF) project spearheaded by Sustainable Agriculture Technology (SAT) in partnership with COSPE (SEFF Consortium Lead) and with financial support from the Agency for Italian Cooperation and Support (AICS). The SEFF project has broken new ground in Mwenezi in that it is the first commercial farming operation under a Joint Venture (JV) arrangement for commercial paprika production over 15 hectares at Lapache in the last 22 years and it is also the first time that Lapache irrigation scheme has grown an export crop – paprika. The JV between Lapache and SAT, which was sealed in June 2022, has several advantages for Lapache irrigation scheme and its members who will benefit in several ways, not least the following: knowledge transfer from SAT on farming as a business and management of centre pivots, job opportunities for locals, a share of the paprika profits, and ownership of assets from the JVpartnership. About 45 tonnes of paprika valued at US$81,000 is expected at Lapache by April 2023, which will guarantee Lapache a dividend of US$7,300 in addition to 3,000 labour days valued at US$12,000 created along the paprika value chain for the benefit of Lapache members and locals from nearby communities. When the JV terminates, Lapache will retain ownership of the new centre pivot valued at US$56,000 that has been installed at the irrigation scheme with AICS support on the SEFF project. By 17th November 2022, transplanting of paprika seedlings had commenced following the successful clearing of land at a new site and land preparation with a new tractor procured under the SEFF project. SAT Field Officers have played a sterling role to mobilise Lapache members, to establish the paprika nursery and to oversee bush clearing and land preparation. The paprika to be harvested at Lapache could be sold at the paprika processing centre that SAT is establishing at Rutenga under the SEFF project. Preparations for the establishment of the processing centre are at an advanced shed, with the shed up already! . SAT would like to extend its appreciation to AICS, COSPE, the Agricultural Advisory Services Directorate in Mwenezi and local authorities for their support on this novel initiative. The Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services is also acknowledged for providing inmates to assist with bush clearing at a critical time in the project. The Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe has commendably provided input finance and working capital worth US$50,000. For now, we all look forward to the harvest.

Breaking New Ground at Lapache Irrigation Scheme in Mwenezi Read More »

Coping with climate change through fodder production to support small stock production

Gwanda district falls under natural ecological region V, in which average annual rainfall received each season is usually far below 650mm and too erratic for viable rain fed crop production. Livestock production, particularly goats and cattle under range grazing has increasingly become an important source of livelihood among rural households in these marginal rainfall areas. However, recurrent droughts, incessant rain, flash floods, veld fires and climate change pose countless challenges for livestock production among smallholder farmers. The challenge of climate change calls for action to assist vulnerable communities to cope and adapt to the changes. The ERVHIZ project, funded by the EU, managed by FAO and UNICEF, and implemented by SAT and other partners is doing just that by training farmers on climate resilient approaches to attain household food and nutrition security as well as profitability. Mpumelelo goat production group, in Gohole village of Manama, ward 17 of Gwanda South is composed of twenty-seven farmers (63% female). Within the group there are also two youths and one disabled farmer. The group was established in 2018 to curb poverty amongst the farmers through sharing ideas on how they could supplement their animals’ feed during periods when the vegetation deteriorates. They each contributed a goat and started with 27 goats. The increase in production was initially hindered by high kid mortality mainly due to the lack of nutritious feed and poor housing. At the same time, the market value of their goats was low – US$25 to US$30 per goat. In December 2021 the group began to get support from the ERVHIZ project to build their capacity on fodder production, processing, storage, and utilization through use of agroecological interventions around plant nutrient enhancement techniques like thermal composts, Johnson’s Su bio-digesters, vermi-composting, biochar fertilizers, bokashi fertilizers and liquid organic fertilizers. The members also received input packs of lab lab seed, velvet beans seed and forage sorghum seed from the ERVHIZ project. They were trained through their local community-based facilitator and lead farmer with support from their local agricultural extension officer on crop establishment and management and they managed to plant at least 0.2 hectares each. At harvesting they were trained on fodder harvesting, storage, processing, and utilization. The farmers were also trained in business skills to enhance livestock marketing and sales amongst farmers. Due to the support, the group has harvested and stored 1.5 tons of baled fodder which they are using to feed their goats. They also formulate other feeds using information they received during training. The group has now built an improved goat shelter and established a farmer field school around their enterprise. Currently, they have 73 healthy goats of mixed Boer and Matabele breeds and have recently sold six bucks for USD40 each. “This coming season we hope to buy our own fodder seed and plant on a larger area as we realized that home-grown fodder is very effective and more profitable than commercial feed. We will also use the stover from our small grains in feed formulation,” said Albert Maphosa, the chairperson of the group.

Coping with climate change through fodder production to support small stock production Read More »

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