SAT is a strong, leading and trusted local Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) specialized in smallholder farmer development, regenerative climate smart agriculture, agribusiness development, agricultural training and extension services provision. Established as a Trust in 2007 and registered as a PVO in Zimbabwe in 2011 (reference number 09/11), SAT has implemented many development projects for the benefit of at least 750,000 rural farming households in Mozambique, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. SAT’s headquarters is in Harare, Zimbabwe, and there are a number of field offices in the country. SAT also has registration in Lesotho and Swaziland, and has a subsidiary private that is a registered limited liability company, Agriculture Income Management (AIM), in Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Our Vision
An agriculture landscape in which smallholder farmers have the opportunity to grow equitably and to thrive as sustainable and viable farming enterprises.
Our Core Values
• Mutual respect: requiring us to recognize each person’s innate worth and the value of diversity.
• Equity and justice: requiring us to thrive for equal opportunity for all people, irrespective of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, HIV status, colour, class, ethnicity, disability, location or religion.
• Honesty and transparency: requiring us to be accountable to our target groups, donors and key stakeholders to ensure the effectiveness of our actions & open in our communications with others
• Solidarity with smallholder farmers: siding with powerless and excluded smallholder farmers will be the only bias in our commitment to the fight against poverty.
• Independence: from any religious or political affiliation.
• Humility: in our presentation and behaviour towards our target groups, donors and key stakeholders – recognizing that we are part of a broader alliance in the fight against poverty.